Beyond Boundaries!

Build a much more sustainable approach to creating enthusiasm in cricket through awareness creation/campaigns, education, tourism, and healthy living.

Re-ignite interest of old cricketers to contribute to cricket development in Ghana.


Short Term Targets

  1. Mass participation programmes – Introduction, regular programmes and competitions for pupils/kids in 2 districts/clusters in Greater Accra and Ashanti Regions by end of 2023.
  2. Cricket education and sensitization programmes across various traditional and social media platforms.
  3. Community cricket following district/cluster programmes in about 3 communities before end of 2023.
  4. Intra-district competitions for U-10, U-12 and U-15.
  5. Campus cricket programmes for 2 university campuses by end of 2023.

Medium Term Targets

  1. Expand mass participation programmes for schools in 10 districts as well as community and campus cricket initiative in 2024.
  2. U-10, U-12 and U-15 intra and inter-district competitions in 2024 and 2025.
  3. Cricket coaching and administration programmes in 5 districts in 2024.
  4. Develop exchange programmes with 3 partner institutions in Europe, Australia, US, South Africa, India, Nigeria, others in 2024.
  5. Setup the CGF Cricket Academy in one (1) district by end of 2025.
  6. Develop the CGF Scholarship Programmes for needy but brilliant student-cricketers and for children of former cricketers.

Long Term Targets

  1. Build Cricket Development Centre in one (1) district by end of 2026.
  2. Setup CGF Endowment Fund by end of 2026
  3. Export professional cricketers and administrators to Europe, Australia, US, South Africa, India, Kenya, etc from 2025.
  4. Create a regional and national forum to discuss issues of cricket development and attract interest from government and corporate levels.
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